My name is David Lindes, and I am a Seattle-based photographer, born and raised in Palo Alto, California. Having started taking pictures at least by age 6 (on a Kodak Instamatic 104), and beginning formal photography training by the eighth grade, I continued to pursue photography and take classes through high school, and on into junior college. At that point, I went off into a career in the tech world (see my tech resume for more details), and let photography go by the wayside for a while. Still, the passion was there, and in January of 2006, I decided to leave the tech world (at least for a while) and pursue photography full time.
My main passion from photography comes from the times when I can capture in the camera a scene that is real, but that the human eye and brain would not normally see, notice, or recall. Often, these images are long exposures on a tripod, which capture a mixture of stillness and motion, and a quality of light, that is not normally observed -- despite having been captured by the camera little if any need for after-the-fact manipulation. Other times, these images are macro shots, showing some object much closer than one would normally see it. Still other times, they are action shots or candid portraits, capturing moments that we see, but which pass by quickly enough that we may not remember them clearly.
Inspiration for all of this comes largely from my own experimentation and exploration, including exploring others' work for new ideas. A few photographers and photographs have lent particular inspiration; the first photograph David recalls being particularly inspired by was one (which unfortunately I've been unable to find again, since being shown it in my high school photography class) involving a car, I think it was a limousine, which had been put into a "cage" using sparklers mounted on a stick, carried around the car. More recently, he found inspiration by stumbling across the photography of Lyza (then on lyza.com), who introduce me to Fuji Velvia slide film, which I've taken quite a liking to, and a particularly moving (to me) "ghost" image (which, alas, I cannot find now that lyza.com isn't what it used to be). She also had a lot to do (whether she knows it or not) with introducing me to Flickr, where I've been regularly posting photos since December, 2005. Flickr is also where I discovered Rebekka, whose long exposure and "multiplicity" shots (among others) I have found (as have others) particularly inspiring (though the latter I have yet to try to replicate -- notwithstanding The Ghosts of No Evil, which was done using a different technique.)
Other influences and inspirations include (but are by no means limited to) Alice Wheeler, Carlos Saura, and the various photographers whose work I find while exploring on-line -- including, most recently, Tokihiro Sato.